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Glacier Notes

Gus Reynolds
Nov 18, 2020
Where We Are Headed
If there is one positive take away from 2020, it is that this year has actually been a very rewarding time to figure out GRP’s plans for...

Gus Reynolds
May 25, 2020
Where We Are Now
Currently, amidst all the struggles and chaos going on in the world, this time has come as a hidden blessing for us as an organization.

Gus Reynolds
May 23, 2020
Where We've Been
Glacier Rescue started after realizing that glacial melt is the most clear visual sign of climate change, and that it happens where very...

Gus Reynolds
Feb 17, 2020
Rooted In Design
The idea of using graphic design as a leverage point to communicate climate change has always been something I have been interested in....
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